董事会议- 2013年9月



1:30 p.m.9月9日星期四. 26, 2013



新墨西哥科技董事会在下午1点37分召开会议.m.,与校董会合作 总统 Richard Carpenter, 财务处长 Jerry Armijo, 丽晶 Deborah Peacock, Debra Hicks和Israel Rodriguez-Rios. 大学管理人员、工作人员和来宾 出席会议的还包括:

1. 会议通知证明:  下午1点37分会议开始.m. 由雷根特·卡彭特在总统卸任后提出 洛佩兹 confirmed that proper notice for the meeting had been given.

2. 批准议程: 阿米霍摄政王提议批准议程. 雷金特·皮科克支持 动议一致通过.

3. 公告:

Before beginning the announcements, Vice 总统 Jaramillo introduced the Director for 住宅生活, Mitch Tappen and his team Bill Lacava and Lynn Arthur who were instrumental in the 计划ning, development and implementation of the new Torres Residential 大厅.  他们的辛勤工作得到了所有在场的人的认可.

5. 公众意见: 没有一个.

6. 学位授与:  的 总统 reported that degrees were conferred for July and August 2013.  的 list was provided listing the graduate with their corresponding degree.

7. 2012年8月财务分析:  Mr. 朗尼马尔克斯 reported that revenue was comparable to last year.  他补充说 expenditures are higher this time of year because the fiscal year has just begun but 这样就扯平了.  他指出,地球物理存在负平衡 研究,我.e., Playas和IERA继续出现结转赤字.  他强调 that this continues to be worked with the end result of the payback to be fulfilled.  Lastly, scholarships to balance out and it continues to be a work in progress.  丽晶 Peacock moved to approve the financial analysis and 丽晶 Hicks seconded the motion 一致通过了.

8. 研究及公共服务项目拨款申请:  Dr. 洛佩兹 presented the Board with its list of eleven projects by priority for FY 15.  He emphasized that this is the same list that was provided for FY 14 and there 没有新项目.  丽晶 Armijo moved to approve the request; 丽晶 Peacock seconded 这项动议获得一致通过.

9. Property Items Resolution, Reference4 NMSA 1978, 13-6-1, Resolution 130926-01 &  130926-02:  Mr. 马尔克斯出示了价值在5000美元以下的物品清单.00从有形中移除 财产.  丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios moved to approve Resolution 130926-01; 丽晶 Hicks 附议该动议,并获得一致通过.

Mr. 马尔克斯出示了价值超过5000美元的物品清单.00从有形中移除 财产.  丽晶 Peacock moved to approve Resolution 130926-02; 丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios 附议,一致通过.

10.  个别董事会成员意见:  丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios stated he spoke with the Student Government Association and brought forward the idea of increasing tuition in order to offer faculty a salary 增加.  He stated the idea was met with interest in moving forward with it but there was yet issues to be work out; 丽晶 Hicks stated she has been involved in the effort between Department of Education and Department of Higher Education in concert with Governor Martinez to work together in a committee setting to improve the quality 新墨西哥州的教师.  瑞金特·皮科克感谢你带我去 马格达莱纳岭天文台.  摄政王阿米霍问我有没有发生什么事 彩票奖学金.  Dr. 洛佩兹表示已经进行了一些讨论,但没有任何结果 明确的.

11.  新业务:  丽晶 Peacock asked if the February 13, 2014 校董会 meeting could be changed 因为她那天有冲突.  双方商定,其他日期将是 提供给董事会.

12.  员工福利信托:  的 校董会 recessed the meeting at 3:35pm and convened the Employee Benefit 信任.  Vice 总统 Marquez provided the report for August and stated that the 信任仍然面临挑战.  他说开放注册的季节是 coming up and that we are likely to see 增加s in premiums as high as 18 percent.  He also shared a new concept which we are considering that could potentially improve 员工健康,减少医生和医院就诊.  新概念围绕 monitoring employee health status and prescribing remedial health practices which 是否有可能改善员工的健康状况.  参与的动机 the program would include a reward system centered on reduced premiums or some other 减少参与者健康福利保费的方法.  董事会推迟了听证会 3点43分,重新召开校董会.

13.  Executive 会话, NMSA 1978, Sec 10-15-1 (H)(2) (To provide information on legal 事项):  3点44分.m. the Board on an unanimous roll call vote closed the open meeting and convened in executive session to consider only those items noted.

14.  Reconvene in Open 会话 and Take Final Action, if any, on Such Limited Personnel Matters Which Shall be Acted Upon in Open 会话 Following Conclusion of the Closed 会话.  理事会于下午3时50分再次举行公开会议.m.  卡彭特主席宣布 that only the matter stated in the Agenda was discussed, and no action was taken.

15.  延期:  的re being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned 3点51分.m.




